Tis the season to be pitching

‘Tis the season to be Pitching

Christmas is soon upon us and there are many things to do. One of those things for a writer with a novel to air is pitching said novel to agents and publishers. That’s what is happening right now with my crime novel, The Fruits of Rashness.

I’ve been sending it to one or two agents at a time, to see if it (and yours truly) might be a fit for their list. To date, I’ve not been successful. However, I’ve had a few replies which have been very gentle rejections, spurring me on to try with another agent and wishing me luck. Those responses I have found to be very encouraging. It’s true that some agencies say up front that if you don’t hear within a certain time-frame, your book is not for them. Fair enough – agents are busy people. But a well-crafted response, no matter how standardised, is so much more welcome.

Have a wonderful Christmas.